

Our multidisciplinary team is here to help you.
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Isaura Manso Neto

Doctor specialising in Psychiatry.

Supervisory and didactic level of member of SPGPAG – the Portuguese Society of Group Analysis and Group Psychotherapy Analysis of which she was president for the 2018-2021 and 2021-2024 triennials.

Full Member of GASi (Group Analytic Society International).

Was a member of the GASi Management Committee between 2006 and 2014. She was the chairperson of the 14th Symposium in Group Analysis (2014). In May 2018, she was invited to join the International Advisory Panel of the journal Group Analysis.

Delegate of SPGPAG to the Group Section of EFPP (European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy).

Member of the Portuguese Society of Psychoanalysis.

Founding member of PsiRelacional (the Association of Relational Psychoanalysis).

She was a founding member of the International Society of Neuro Psychoanalysis.

Head of Service in her hospital career, she worked for 34 years in the Psychiatry Departure of Santa Maria Hospital, ten of which as head of the daycare hospital team.

Responsible for organising various international congresses on Group Analysis in Portugal.

Speaker at conferences, articles and book chapters published nationally and internationally.

Co-editor of the book “The Portuguese School of Group Analysis – towards a unified and integrated approach to theory research and clinical work”. The New International Library of Group Analysis. Routledge, 2021.

Continues her private activities individual and group psychotherapy and group analysis and supervising mental health technical specialists.

Fluent in English and French.

Works in person and, whenever necessary, online, both individually and in group.

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César Vieira Dinis

Doctor specialising in Psychiatry.

Supervisory and didactic level of member of SPGPAG – the Portuguese Society of Group Analysis and Group Psychotherapy Analysis of which he was president for 8 years.

Honorary President of SPGPAG

Full member of GASi (Group Analytic Society International).

Speaker of conferences and author of communications at national and international group analysis congresses.

Author of articles published in group analysis journals and books in Portugal, Brazil, Germany and France.

He was the first SPGPAG delegate to the Group Section of EFPP (European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy).

He was a founding member of the International Society of Neuro-Psychoanalysis.

A specialist in psychiatry with the level of Consultant in his hospital career, he worked for over three decades for the Psychiatry Department of Santa Maria Hospital, ten of which as head of the hospital daycare team.

In his daycare hospital activities, he always integrated clinical practice with responsibility for supervising and training mental health technicians.

He has supervised teams at other National Health Service mental health units.

Fluent in French and English.

Author of the book of poetry “SAL" (2010).

His current private activities span the following fields: individual psychotherapy analysis, group psychotherapy analysis, group analysis, supervision of the psychotherapeutic clinical work of psychiatrists and psychologists and other mental health technical staff.

Francisco Dinis

Doctor specialising in Psychiatry

Doctor specialising in psychiatry, psychotherapy of psychoanalysis training, member of the Portuguese Society of Psychoanalysis.

He has worked in public and private hospitals and other national health service institutions.

Founding member of the International Society of Neuro-Psychoanalysis.

He has experience in treating human suffering, whether depressive and anxious pathologies and personality pathologies as well as more severe cases: schizophrenia, dementia, bipolar conditions.

Fluent in French and English.

He works in person and, whenever necessary, online.

In recent years, he has focused his clinical practice on psychodynamic/ psychoanalytic psychotherapy for patients seeking to alleviate their suffering and attain the self-knowledge that enables them to live more gratifying lives in relationship with themselves and with others.

Carolina Barca


Psychotherapist, full member of SPGPAG – the Portuguese Society of Group Analysis and Group Psychotherapy Analysis and Master's Degree and Specialist in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing.

Undertakes individual and group psychotherapy that, in an environment designed to foster security, empathy and inclusion, works the aspect related with oneself and susceptible to exploration to attain self-knowledge and develop internal resources so as to foster mental health, wellbeing and relationships with other and with the world. To this end, this applies the principles of analysis and psychodynamics (alongside the principles of Psychoanalysis and Group Analysis).

In addition to adults, she also holds experience in treating adolescents.

She provides appointments in person and, whenever necessary, online.

These are designed for the resolution of problems and symptoms such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, social anxieties, traumatic situations, emotional difficulties, social problems, inappropriate usage of the Internet/ social networks.

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